목록전체 글 (21)
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Create a custom font with your handwriting | Windows Community Create a font with Microsoft Font Maker, a digital pen, and your own handwriting. community.windows.com 1. Microsoft Store에서 Microsoft Font Maker 설치 2. 열기, 따라서 쓰기 3. create 버튼 누르고 저장 4. 저장한 글꼴을 [설정 - 글꼴] 들어가 설치 5. 완성!! (결과물)
설명 User Guide : Node-RED User Guide nodered.org 설치해야 할 것 링크 Running on Windows : Node-RED Running on Windows This page gives specific instructions on setting up Node-RED in a Microsoft Windows environment. The instructions are specific to Windows 10 but should also work for Windows 7 and Windows Server from 2008R2. It is not advisable to use ve nodered.org Running on Windows This page gives spec..
IBM Cloud Overview overview : 개관, 개요(=survey) The IBM Cloud is a range of offerings and services from IBM covering all aspects of cloud computing to allow you to leverage the cloud resources where and how you want. a range of : 1. 다양한 2. 범위가 ~정도 되는 leverage : 1. 영향 2. 지렛대 사용, 지렛대의 힘 As you work through the course you will discover some of the key offerings of the IBM Cloud and how to access them..