목록클라우드 (8)
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IBM Cloud Global Data Centers | IBM Cloud Standardized, best-practices-based facilities Each IBM Cloud data center features one or more pods, supporting thousands of servers. Space, power, network, personnel and internal infrastructure are optimized across all locations. www.ibm.com ; ㅅ ; https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/containers?topic=containers-regions-and-zones
Today let's talk about multicloud. Multicloud is a cloud computing approach made up of 2 or more cloud environments. Let's get started. So, we've got a public environment here as well as a private cloud. There's an important distinction to be made here: multicloud is not exactly the same thingas hybrid cloud. distinction : 1. (특히 비슷하거나 관련이 있는 것들 사이의 뚜렷한) 차이[대조] 2. 뛰어남, 탁월함 Hybrid cloud implies t..
Node-RED - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전. ko.wikipedia.org Node-RED Concepts : Node-RED A Node is the basic building block of a flow. Nodes are triggered by either receiving a message from the previous node in a flow, or by waiting for some external event, such as an incoming HTTP request, a timer or GPIO hardware change. They process that me nodered.org Node A Node is the basic building b..
In this graded assessment you will demonstrate your understanding of the basics of cloud computing and key considerations for organizations to move to the cloud. assessment : 1. 평가(한 의견), (=evaluation) 2. 평가 (행위) (→continuous assessment) demonstrate : 1. 증거[실례]를 들어가며 보여주다, 입증[실증]하다 2. (행동으로) 보여주다[발휘하다] (=display) In the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST, definition of "clou..